
Over time skin naturally thins and loses volume as we lose dermal collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin. This can be accelerated by sun exposure and environmental factors such as smoking.  Botulinum toxin is FDA approved for the temporary treatment of moderate to severe frown lines in adults aged 18-65.

Currently we are offering treatment areas that include the upper third of the face (frown lines, crows feet, and horizontal forehead lines)

What to expect during your first visit

During your consultation, we’ll assess your facial anatomy to determine what areas could benefit the most from botox treatment. 

Who should not use botox?

Among those who should not be using Botox are pregnant or breastfeeding women, active infections or rashes on the face, and anyone who has had ocular surgery in the past 6 months.  We can evaluate those with neuromuscular and bleeding disorders, and people with various neurological diseases.

Ask about our specialty Botox/Filler Parties