IV THerapy

IV therapy delivers vitamins, minerals, and essential fluids directly into your bloodstream; which creates faster absorption, quicker response to treatments, and longer lasting positive effects on your overall life!

Our Signature Drips


  • 1 liter of Normal Saline 
  • 500cc of Normal Saline 

The Rejuvenation IV drip

For those that suffer from low energy, recent illness/sickness, jet-lag, or just simply need a boost after a work out this one is for you! 

  • Vitamin B Complex, B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Glutathione
  • Electrolytes

The Hangover Remedy IV drip

Too much to drink? We got you covered. 

  • Vitamins and electrolytes 
  • If needed, medications for nausea and/or headache.

During your consultation, we’ll assess your current condition and medical history to determine which IV therapy option is right for you. You are welcome to come into our clinic for treatment or we do offer services delivered to you at an additional cost. Treatments can last anywhere between 30-90 minutes.

Ask us about bachelorette/bachelor parties!