Weight Loss Management

Obesity is a chronic health issue that requires long-term management and is associated with severe health complications, including heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, asthma, hormonal concerns for women, arthritis, and certain types of cancer.

Our goal is to help you transform your body and mind; and to maintain a healthy sustainable lifestyle.  We are dedicated to helping you find the best option to serve you along your journey of getting healthier.  

We offer a variety of weight management options. 

Vitamin B12 $20 per injection (weekly)

B12 plays a vital role in our body’s cell metabolism, nerve function, and healthy red blood cell production. B12 deficiency can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, anemia, intestinal problems, intestinal and cognitive problems. 

Lipo+B12 $20 per injection (1-2x weekly)

Lipo+ is a specialized formula of nutrients designed to enhance your body’s natural ability to burn fat and process sugars. Mixed with B12 to enhance the body’s cell metabolism and restore energy.

Semaglutide (Pricing Varies) startup (weekly injections)

Semaglutide is an FDA approved drug to aide in weight loss in those that are obese or overweight who also have other comorbidities; or health problems. 

The startup costs includes your first consultation and your initial first 2 months of treatment. This is for individuals who have a BMI of 27 with a comorbidity (high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.) or a BMI greater than 30. 

*We do require that you have had labs in the past year. If you have not, we can draw the necessary labs in office for an additional $50.